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"The Lincoln Lawyer Season 2 Deliberately Underwhelms with the Man With the Tattoo Reveal, with Justification"

"The Lincoln Lawyer season 2 quickly solves the Man with the Tattoo mystery, but the brief storyline is important for Mickey's next case."

The second season of The Lincoln Lawyer quickly resolves the mystery of the Man with the Tattoo, but its significance lies in setting up Mickey's next case. Defense lawyer Mickey Haller, who was previously focused on the cases of Trevor Elliott and Jésus Menendez, finally uncovers the truth behind the crimes Menendez was imprisoned for. In the first season's ending, the mysterious figure known as the Man with the Tattoo was introduced.

While the majority of the storyline in the second season revolves around Lisa Trammel's murder case, the show ensures that loose ends from the previous season's cases are tied up. Mickey continues his search for the Man with the Tattoo in order to fully exonerate Jésus. The answer unexpectedly falls into his lap when he is assigned to defend a seemingly innocent man for burglary. Although the mystery is solved, its impact on the second season's story is not as significant as initially implied.

In the premiere of The Lincoln Lawyer season 2, Mickey is assigned to defend a man named Russell for burglary. It is later revealed that Russell is the Man with the Tattoo. Mickey faces a dilemma as he cannot help Jésus due to attorney-client confidentiality. With the guidance of Elliott Gould's character, "Legal" Siegel, Mickey cleverly sets up Russell to expose his true intentions. Russell is apprehended and Jésus is cleared of suspicion.

However, Russell's storyline and Mickey's conflict between him and Jésus only span two episodes, which is shorter than expected. The second season also addresses unresolved storylines from the first season, such as Mickey's potential reconciliation with Maggie and Izzy's renewed relationship with her ex. While these loose ends are tied up, the capture of the Man with the Tattoo turns out to be a relatively brief arc.

The short storyline of the Man with the Tattoo serves to showcase Mickey's legal skills and the conflicts he faces in defending Lisa Trammel. It highlights his ability to defend those he believes are guilty while still holding them accountable. As the second season progresses, Mickey finds himself torn between his romantic connection with Lisa and the evidence of her guilt. However, his proven abilities as a lawyer ensure that the outcome of the case will not be compromised.

The manipulation of Mickey by Russell Lawson may also foreshadow a potential setup by Lisa. The mystery surrounding Lisa's husband Jeff and her involvement in a potentially incriminating podcast adds to the suspicion. With Lisa's behavior raising doubts and the upcoming trial, the second season of The Lincoln Lawyer may be setting up a twist regarding Lisa's true intentions. It is possible that her romance with Mickey was genuine, but her timing in seeking his defense raises suspicions. Nevertheless, Mickey's clever maneuvering against Russell suggests that he will ultimately prevail in the trial, even if Lisa is playing him.

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