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Spokesperson of Ron DeSantis super PAC raises concern over Donald Trump's campaign

Trouble brewing for Ron DeSantis campaign, but not unwinnable.

A prominent representative for the Never Back Down super PAC has issued a warning about potential trouble for the Ron DeSantis campaign. Despite the race not being deemed "unwinnable," the spokesperson claims that DeSantis is currently "behind" in the presidential race.

During a Twitter Space conversation, former Donald Trump supporter Steve Cortes expressed his personal view on the political landscape. The discussion was hosted by the Crypto Lawyers Twitter account, which questioned Cortes about unfavorable polls for DeSantis both nationally and in early states. Additionally, leaked audio suggested that DeSantis plans to run on the Right in the Primary but shift to the middle in the General Election, if he reaches that stage.

Cortes acknowledged the unfavorable national polls, admitting that DeSantis is currently behind. However, he emphasized that the battle is not unwinnable, with Donald Trump being the clear front-runner, especially due to the accusations against him.

Cortes then provided some spin on the polls, claiming that in the first four states, where the polls are tighter, DeSantis still trails by double digits. He acknowledged that there is work to be done and obstacles to overcome.

However, when examining poll averages, it appears that the first four states reflect the national polls more closely than Cortes suggests. Trump holds a substantial lead over DeSantis, with percentages ranging from 54% to 22% in favor of Trump.

Cortes argued that many Americans are not familiar with DeSantis yet, stating that the campaign will bridge this gap using its available resources. He compared DeSantis to Trump, highlighting their shared characteristics as right-wing patriotic populists and framing the 2024 race as a two-man competition.

Cortes also pointed out that the state's poll swing favors DeSantis over Trump when compared to Joe Biden. He joked that discussing the playoffs is premature until they qualify, alluding to the Primaries' lopsided polling.

Regarding debates, Cortes praised Trump as the "maestro" and likened his debating style to Jack Nicklaus playing golf. He acknowledged that DeSantis may face a challenge in this area but expressed confidence that increased practice and preparation would make him better equipped to go "toe to toe" with Trump.

Cortes dismissed claims that DeSantis would move toward the center, asserting that he has consistently run and governed from the Right. He highlighted the advantage of having a cooperative and effective legislature in the state, suggesting that DeSantis could employ executive orders aggressively if elected as President to challenge Congress and federal agencies.

Cortes defended what the host referred to as a "seven-month book tour shadow campaign" following DeSantis' re-election and campaign for Governor, stating that it is possible to manage both roles, albeit not without difficulty.

In conclusion, Cortes maintained that DeSantis is the underdog but can still win the race. He emphasized DeSantis' commitment to running and governing from the Right and highlighted the potential advantages of his legislative experience and executive powers.

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