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Colleen Hoover Surpassed Bible Sales in the Past Year; A Moment She'd Never Have Anticipated While Starting Her Writing Journey Over a Decade Ago

Colleen Hoover, the record-breaking author, discusses her writing journey and career.

In a captivating interview with TODAY's Jenna Bush Hager, bestselling author Colleen Hoover opened up about her journey to success, her aversion to the spotlight, and the criticism surrounding her novel "It Ends With Us."

The anticipation was palpable as book enthusiasts gathered in Grapevine, Texas for the Book Bonanza festival. Readers from all over, some even traveling from as far as Alaska and London, eagerly awaited the appearance of the literary world's current sensation, Colleen Hoover. And when Hoover finally took the stage on June 23, the crowd erupted into a frenzy of cheers and applause.

For those unfamiliar with Hoover's achievements, she has sold an astonishing 20 million copies of her books to date, according to Circana Bookscan. As of now, three of her books hold positions in the top 10 of The New York Times fiction bestseller list. In the past year alone, Hoover has sold over 8.6 million print copies of her books, surpassing the combined sales of renowned authors such as J.K. Rowling, James Patterson, Stephen King, and John Grisham. In fact, Bookscan reports that in 2022, more copies of Colleen Hoover's books were sold than copies of the Bible.

Despite her immense success, the 43-year-old author has intentionally shied away from the limelight, earning her a reputation for being media-shy. However, for the 2023 Book Bonanza, the festival she co-founded with her sisters, Hoover agreed to sit down with Jenna Bush Hager, a fellow book lover and Texan Sagittarius. The two engaged in a public morning panel and later had a 45-minute interview at a local steakhouse, which was recorded for TODAY.

Throughout the day, it was evident that Hoover still finds herself amazed by her newfound rockstar author status. As she sat beneath the lights on TODAY's set, her blonde hair and bright blue eyes glistening, she exuded a sense of quiet awe. When she finally spoke, her Texan drawl carried a calm and friendly energy.

Hoover confessed, "My goal was, 'Oh, I hope I write a book someday.' That's as far as it went. You know, I just wanted to sit down, get an idea, write a book, maybe someone would read it. Actually thinking about having a book that was on The New York Times bestseller list was not even in my brain."

The story of Hoover's life has been told many times, and it's no wonder why. The twists of fate she has experienced read like something straight out of one of her own novels.

Jenna, eager to delve into Hoover's past, couldn't contain her excitement as she asked about the author's upbringing in Sulphur Springs, Texas. Hoover shared a heartwarming anecdote about the moment she discovered her passion for writing. It all began when she witnessed her sister come home from school and write their address on the wall of their shared bedroom. That simple act ignited a fire within young Hoover, compelling her to learn the alphabet and start writing. A year later, the first Colleen Hoover story, "Mystery Bob," was born, featuring an investigator in search of five golden rings.

However, while writing was a dream for Hoover, it wasn't the most practical path to pursue. She commended Jenna for her career in journalism, revealing that she briefly considered majoring in the field herself but ultimately put the idea aside once she started a family at the age of 20.

"I realized early on that I needed to feed my children because I started having kids young. I married young. I was in college while I was a mom and working full-time," Hoover explained. "And I thought, 'Wow, I need a career that's more practical around where we live.' And so I majored in social work and loved it."

As the interview continued, Hoover and Jenna delved into the criticism surrounding her novel "It Ends With Us." The book, which tackles sensitive topics, has received both praise and backlash. Hoover acknowledged the mixed reactions, emphasizing her intention to spark conversations and provide a platform for important discussions.

The interview between Colleen Hoover and Jenna Bush Hager was a captivating exploration of the author's journey, her commitment to her craft, and her desire to make a meaningful impact through her writing. As Hoover continues to captivate readers worldwide, her humble beginnings and unwavering dedication serve as a testament to the power of storytelling and the limitless possibilities that lie within the pages of a book.

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